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Upper Blepharoplasty
In Houston

Upper Blepharoplasty for a Brighter Look

Why Choose Athré Facial Plastics for Upper Blepharoplasty?

Heavy upper eyelids can make you look aged and tired. Our Houston upper blepharoplasty can help you look younger and more alert, and may even improve your vision. Dr. Athré’s training and attention to detail make him uniquely qualified for eyelid surgery. Dr. Athré’s initial background as a reconstructive surgeon allows him to truly understand the finest nuances of your eye with respect to shape, size, and natural contours to deliver the most natural results without scarring.

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Upper Blepharoplasty at a Glance

  • Rejuvenate the upper eyelid: Reduce hooding, excess skin, and wrinkles for a more open and youthful appearance.
  • Improved vision: In some cases, upper blepharoplasty can address obstructed vision caused by drooping eyelids.
  • Minimally invasive procedure: Upper blepharoplasty is performed on an outpatient basis with a relatively quick recovery.
  • Long-lasting results: Enjoy a brighter and more alert look for years to come.
  • Natural-looking enhancements: Dr. Athré prioritizes techniques that achieve a subtle lift, maximizing results while maintaining a balanced appearance.

Banish Droopy Eyelids

What is Upper Blepharoplasty?

Upper blepharoplasty goes by many names including upper eyelid surgery, upper eyelid lift, and eyelid lift surgery. The purpose of upper eyelid blepharoplasty is to rejuvenate the upper eyelid complex, or to enhance the functional and cosmetic function of the upper eyelid.

As we age, our skin loses important structural proteins. These structural proteins allow skin to become lax, loose, and thin. The tissues underneath the skin also lose important structural components and push against the skin, making the problem worse. The upper and lower eyelids are one location where this is very evident. The result is fullness in the upper eyelid, droopy upper eyelids, or saggy upper eyelids. Patients with heavy upper eyelids often get questions like, “Are you tired?”, “Are you feeling well?,” or “Are you angry?”

A blepharoplasty procedure removes the excess skin and excess fat and creates a softer, more open eyelid. This in turn makes the eyes look more open, and most patients state that others around them tell them that they look more awake, alert, and happy.

Special Cases

There are a few special types of upper eyelid surgery including:

  • Ptosis surgery – surgery for a droopy or lazy eyelid
  • Asian eyelid of double eyelid surgery – a special type of upper eyelid surgery to “westernize” the upper eyelid

Click here to learn more about special cases of upper eyelid surgery.

Rejuvenate Your Eyes

What is the upper blepharoplasty procedure like?

The surgery first starts with marking the natural crease of the upper eyelid. Once the crease is marked, the amount of skin to be excised is carefully examined, measured, and marked.

Click here to see a video of upper eyelid blepharoplasty marking.

Once the markings are complete, the skin and deeper tissues are anesthetized. The anesthesia that is injected serves to numb the tissues but also causes vasoconstriction to minimize bleeding.

In the surgery, the excess skin is removed, and fat that has herniated under the excess skin is also removed. The skin is finally closed with a suture that is carefully placed under the skin to minimize scarring and the formation of milia.


Almost all upper blepharoplasty procedures are done under local anesthesia. The upper eyelid is actually not a very sensitive area. It is very easy to anesthetize using local anesthesia. Click here to watch a video of injecting local anesthesia into the eyelid.

If upper blepharoplasty is being done with other procedures such as a brow lift, a facelift, or lower eyelid blepharoplasty, the anesthesia technique being used for the adjunctive procedure is also used for the upper eyelid. For example, if a patient is undergoing a facelift and an upper blepharoplasty, most likely the patient will be undergoing local anesthesia with oral sedation for the facelift. Therefore, the same (local anesthesia with oral sedation) will be used for the upper blepharoplasty.

See the Difference

What are the benefits of upper blepharoplasty?

Considering upper blepharoplasty to address drooping eyelids or a hooded appearance? This procedure offers more than just aesthetic improvements. Here's a closer look at the benefits that make upper blepharoplasty a worthwhile option:

  • Restore a refreshed, youthful look. Upper blepharoplasty provides a more alert, youthful appearance in the eye area
  • Increased field of vision. In cases where drooping eyelids obstruct your vision, upper blepharoplasty can increase your range of vision.
  • Better self-esteem. Looking your best can help you feel more confident and empowered in every area of your life.
  • Long-lasting results. While individual results may vary, upper blepharoplasty can refresh the appearance of the eye area for many years.
  • Minimally invasive techniques. Upper blepharoplasty involves very small incisions and can performed with local anesthesia.
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Upper Blepharoplasty Candidates

Who should get an upper blepharoplasty?

Thinking about upper blepharoplasty? A consultation with Dr. Athré is the best way to determine candidacy. Here's a general guide:

Good Candidates for Upper Blepharoplasty:

  • Individuals with drooping eyelids or a hooded appearance that obstructs vision or creates a tired look.
  • People who feel self-conscious about their upper eyelids.
  • Generally healthy individuals with realistic expectations about the outcome.
  • Those who want a minimally invasive procedure with a quick recovery.

Individuals with certain medical conditions may not be candidates for upper blepharoplasty. Dr. Athré will review your medical history during your consultation.

A Minimally Invasive Procedure for a Lasting Change

Upper Blepharoplasty Recovery

Upper blepharoplasty offers a relatively quick recovery compared to more extensive facial procedures. Here's what you can expect:

  • Initial healing: Following surgery, you can expect some swelling, bruising, and mild discomfort. Dr. Athré will provide specific instructions on managing these effects, including cold compresses and pain medication.
  • Returning to daily activities: Most patients can resume light activities within a few days after surgery. However, strenuous exercise and heavy lifting should be avoided for a couple of weeks to allow for proper healing.
  • Final results: The final, refined results of your upper blepharoplasty can be appreciated within 3-4 months, once all swelling has completely resolved.

Achieve a Balanced Appearance

Upper Blepharoplasty Results

Upper blepharoplasty removes excess skin and/or tightens underlying muscles, creating a more open and youthful eye shape. This brightens your entire face and reduces the appearance of tiredness or fatigue. Modern upper blepharoplasty techniques offer long-lasting results. While individual results may vary, the effects of a successful upper blepharoplasty can be enjoyed for 10-15 years or even longer. 

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Refresh Your Confidence

What conditions does upper blepharoplasty address?

Upper blepharoplasty addresses several age-related concerns in the upper eyelid area:

  • Drooping eyelids (ptosis): Excess skin or weakened muscles can cause the upper eyelid to droop, obstructing vision and creating a tired appearance. Upper blepharoplasty removes excess skin and/or tightens underlying muscles to lift the eyelid and improve vision and aesthetics.
  • Hooded eyelids: Excess skin folds over the crease of the upper eyelid can create a hooded appearance and potentially obstruct peripheral vision. Upper blepharoplasty removes this excess skin to create a more open and youthful eye shape.
  • Fine lines and wrinkles: The delicate skin of the upper eyelid can become thin and wrinkled with age. Upper blepharoplasty can address these concerns in some cases, creating a smoother and more youthful appearance.

Upper Blepharoplasty

Frequently Asked Questions

The risks are:

  • Dry eye
  • Lagophthalmos (you cannot close your eyelids all the way)
  • Scarring
  • Color changes of the skin of the upper eyelid
  • Milia (small epidermal cysts of upper eyelid skin)
  • Need for additional surgery

These risks are extremely rare in Dr. Athré’s patients.

Upper blepharoplasty is one of the most versatile plastic surgery procedures that can be combined with other procedures. The most common procedures that are performed together with an upper blepharoplasty are:

Lower Blepharoplasty

The eyes form a complex, and normally the upper and lower eyelids are rejuvenated together. This allows rejuvenation of the eyelids as a unit. Lower blepharoplasty addresses excess lower eyelid skin and the fat bags of the under-eye region.

Brow Lift

Falling of the brow and brow tissues can also cause fullness and hooding in the upper eyelid region.


Many patients who are ready for a facelift will also have aging of the upper eyelid complex. An upper blepharoplasty is the most common procedure performed along with a facelift in our office.